Welcome To Andraste Photography.
Photography of the Shiny, Pretty, and Dangerous.
I have a fascination for Women and machinery that can hurt me if not handled properly
I am based near Seattle, WA
Prints of what you see posted here are available. Please contact us for pricing and availability
To see what I have been working on lately go to the updates page
I am not your mom or your dad.
It is all porn to someone.
© 1987 – 2022 Patrick Andraste
All images, writings, (non inclusive of links to other locations) are copyright Patrick Andraste. All rights reserved.
No copying, rebroadcast, transmission, private use, publishing, allowed without prior written consent.
The Rules:
All images are taken by me, have me in them or I produced them. Therefore I either own the images or have full rights to use them.
Images can be copied for personal use (Copied to your personal computer for wanking material etc.) provided all watermarks and copyrights remain intact.
Derivatives of this content is still considered my content, I do not give a flying fuck how much you think you “changed it”. You must credit the original author (Me).
If you wish to share images, please link to the original content here first. If that is not possible all watermarks and copyrights must remain intact with the images, all metadata must remain intact, and you must credit the photographer (Most likely me) and the model.
Images are available for commercial use with prior written permission.